
文 傳 1610 CPU 技 術 手 冊

9:Execution Unit
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[下一章:Peripheral Control Block Register]


General Register

This CPU has eight 16-bit general registers. And the AX,BX,CX,DX can be subdivided into two 8-bit register (AH,AL,BH,
BL,CH,CL,DH,DL). The functions of these registers are described as follows.

  • AX : Word Divide , Word Multiply, Word I/O operation.
  • AH : Byte Divide , Byte Multiply, Byte I/O , Decimal Arithmetic, Translate operation.
  • AL : Byte Divide , Byte Multiply operation.
  • BX : Translate operation.
  • CX : Loops, String operation
  • CL : Variable Shift and Rotate operation.
  • DX : Word Divide , Word Multiply, Indirect I/O operation
  • SP : Stack operations (POP, POPA, POPF, PUSH, PUSHA, PUSHF)
  • BP : General-purpose register which can be used to determine offset address of operands in Memory.
  • SI : String operations
  • DI : String operations

Segment Register

This CPU has four 16-bit segment registers, CS, DS, SS, ES. The segment registers contain the base addresses (starting location) of the memory segments, and they are immediately addressable for code (CS), data (DS & ES), and stack (SS) memory.

CS (Code Segment) : The CS register points to the current code segment, which contains instruction to be fetched. The default location memory space for all instruction is 64K. The initial value of CS register is 0FFFFh.

DS (Data Segment) : The DS register points to the current data segment, which generally contains program variables. The DS register initialize to 0000H.

SS (Stack Segment ) : The SS register points to the current stack segment, which is for all stack operations, such as pushes and pops. The stack segment is used for temporary space. The SS register initialize to 0000H.

ES (Extra Segment) : The ES register points to the current extra segment which is typically for data storage, such as large string operations and large data structures. The DS register initialize to 0000H.

Instruction Pointer and Status Flags Register

IP (Instruction Pointer) : The IP is a 16-bit register and it contains the offset of the next instruction to be fetched. Software can not to direct access the IP register which is updated by the Bus Interface Unit. It can change, be saved or be restored as a result of program execution. The IP register initialize to 0000H and the CS:IP starting execution address is at 0FFFF0H.

These flags reflect the status after the Execution Unit is executed.

Bit 15-12 :

Bit 11:
OF, Overflow Flag. An arithmetic overflow has occurred, this flag will be set.

Bit 10 :
DF, Direction Flag. If this flag is set, the string instructions are increment address process. If DF is cleared, the string
instructions are decrement address process. Refer the STD and CLD instructions for how to set and clear the DF flag.

Bit 9 :
IF, Interrupt-Enable Flag. Refer the STI and CLI instructions for how to set and clear the IF flag.
Set to 1 : The CPU enables the maskable interrupt request.
Set to 0 : The CPU disables the maskable interrupt request.

Bit 8:
TF, Trace Flag. Set to enable single-step mode for debugging; Clear to disable the single-step mode. If an application
program sets the TF flag using POPF or IRET instruction, a debug exception is generated after the instruction (The
CPU automatically generates an interrupt after each instruction) that follows the POPF or IRET instruction.

Bit 7:
SF, Sign Flag. If this flag is set, the high-order bit of the result of an operation is 1,indicating it is negative.

Bit 6:
ZF, Zero Flag. The result of operation is zero, this flag is set.

Bit 5:

Bit 4:
AF, Auxiliary Flag. If this flag is set, there has been a carry from the low nibble to the high or a borrow from the high
nibble to the low nibble of the AL general-purpose register. Used in BCD operation.

Bit 3:

Bit 2:
PF, Parity Flag. The result of low-order 8 bits operation has even parity, this flag is set.

Bit 1:

Bit 0:
CF, Carry Flag. If CF is set, there has been a carry out or a borrow into the high-order bit of the instruction result.

Address generation

The Execution Unit generates a 20-bit physical address to Bus Interface Unit by the Address Generation. Memory is organized in sets of segments. Each segment contains a 16 bits value. Memory is addressed using a two-component address that consists of a 16-bit segment and 16-bit offset. The Physical Address Generation figure describes how the logical address transfers to the physical address.

[上一章:Embedded Memory & Memory Map] [回目錄]
[下一章:Peripheral Control Block Register]